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Tuesday, 22 April 2008


AIM & Objectives :-
Tripura Sports Council is an Advisory Body Govt. of Tripura.
Aim & Objectives of the Tripura Sports Council are to advice the government for the development of games & sports .

i) To act as Liaisons between the sports, games and youths Welfare organizations and Government.
ii) To grant recognition to such sports and youths welfare organizations as it may deem worthy of recognition.
iii) To work for the Development of selected games and sports and to go to the particular area where from Talents are coming in those particulars games/ sports and to arrange special coaching programme for them.
iv) To co-ordinate the activities of different sports, games or physical education and other welfare organization for promotion of their objectives.
v) To formulate plan and for improvement of all branches of sports, games and allied activities.
vi) To organize and promote state wise or original training or coaching camp, youth festival, sports parade, rallies etc. in collaboration with state or Sub-divisional Sports organizations .

Functions :
The following are the functions of sports council.

1) To organize Rural Sports (Block to State level).
2) To organize Women Sports (Block to State level).
3) To organize North East Sports (Block to State level).
4) To send State teams in the National Meets, Rural Sports, Women Sports, North East Sports.
5) To look after the activities of different sports Associations and monitoring the activities of Affiliated sports organizations.
6) To take steps for the development of sports infrastructure in the State.
7) To run play centers at various places of Tripura.
8) To organize coaching camps in all disciplines.
9) To give financial assistance to the recognized Affiliated Associations under T. S. C.
10) To provide Medical assistance for players.

Coaches / Physical Instructors posted to NSRCC, Agartala :-
The following Coaches are engaged in the different Coaching Centre under the control of Tripura Sports Council.

Disciplines State Coach SAI Coach Total

Table Tennis 3 - 3
Basket Ball 1 2 3
Gymnastic 9 2 11
Athletics 3 - 3
Badminton 1 1 2
Judo 1 1 2
Weight Lifting - 1 1
Volley Ball 1 1 2
Kabaddi 1 - 1
Cricket 2 - 2
Hockey 1 - 1
Hand ball 1 2 3
Swimming 3 - 3
Foot Ball 3 - 3
Body Building 1 - 1
In-charge of NSRCC 1 - 1
33 10 43

Name of Affiliated Associations :-

1. Tripura Amateur Athletic Association. 2. Tripura Foot Ball Association. 3. Tripura Gymnastic Association. 4. Tripura Amateur Swimming Association 5. Tripura Table Tennis Association 6. Tripura Badminton Association. 7. Tripura Hockey Association. 8. Tripura Basket Ball Association. 9. Tripura Volley Ball Association 10. Tripura Weight Lifting Association. 11. Tripura Power Lifting Association. 12. All Tripura Body Building Association 13. All Tripura Strength lifting Association. (Non Functioning) 14. All Tripura Chess Association. 15. Tripura Cricket Association. 16. Tripura Judo Association. 17. Tripura Amateur Hand Ball Association. 18. Tripura Amateur Kabaddi. Association. 19. Tripura Kho-Kho Association. 20. Tripura Yoga Association. 21. Karate Association of Tripura. 22. Tackwondo Association of Tripura. 23. Tripura Wrestling Association. (Non Functioning) 24. Tripura Boxing Association. 25. Tripura State Tug-of-War Association. 26. Wushu Association of Tripura.

Play Centres :
16 Play Centres are directly controlled by Tripura Sports Council where more the 950 Students are given coaching in different disciplines every day.

Disciplines :

1. Judo 2. Badminton 3. Hockey 4. Swimming
5. Volley Ball 6. Hand Ball 7. Kabaddi 8. Athletics
9. Foot Ball 10.Weight Lifting 11.Cricket 12. Basket Ball
13. Kho-Kho 14. Table Tennis 15.Gymnastics .

Name of the Play Centers under the Control of Tripura Sports Council:

1. N.S.R.C.C. 9. Jute Mill Play Centre
2. Netaji Play Centre 10. Arundhuti Nagar Play Centre
3. Pragati Play Centre 11. Indra Nagar Play Centre
4. College Play Centre 12. Sidhi Asrahm Play Centre
5. Bhagat Singh Play Centre 13. Stadium Play Centre
6. Astabal Play Centre 14. U. K. Play Centre
7. Saroj Sangha Play Centre 15. Melaghar Sports Association
8. Ranir Bazar Play Centre 16. Narsingghar Bhagat Singh Centre.

Medical Clinic :-
A Medical Clinic has been functioning in the office of the Tripura Sports Council on every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. This clinic is run by the Council in Collaboration with Indian Medical Association and Association of Sports Medicine. The players of Tripura are availing of the facilities of Treatment from this clinic.
i) Dr. J. M. Datta ii) Dr. Mrinal Bhattacharjee give free services to the players in general on every Sunday . Players are provided with medicine at free of cost as per as possible.

Future Plan of Action :-

1) 20 coaching Centres will be taken up at District Level. One Unemployed coach will be
engaged @ Rs. 2000/- as remuneration per months in each center.
2) Gymnastic Coaching Centre will be opened in each District Head Quarters.
3) Construction of Wooden Floor at NSRCC Badminton / Table Tennis Hall be taken up.
4) Talent Search cum Coaching programme has already been taken up by the renowned
coaches of SAI, Kolkata, Centre.
5) Efforts may be made to get supports from Corporate Sector and also from big
business organizations in implanting programme of TSC in a befitting manner.

Failure :-

1) Unable to reach the target at National Games.
2) Unable to conduct coaching programme through out the season.
3) Unable to provide modern sports infrastructure and scientific back-up to the upcoming players of the state.
4) Unable to provide modern equipments to our coaching centers and to the sports Associations.
5) Unable to provide financial assistance in the Sub-Division level.
6) Maintenance of NSRCC and Grounds out side of NSRCC under TSC can not be taken up effectively for paucity of fund.
7) Unable to provide residential accommodation.
8) Unable to give Incentive to the Prize winners.

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